Hello 42 Players!

If you are new to 42-online, we welcome you and invite you to join our online 42 community. We are moving from a privately developed, Windows program that was approaching 25 years in age to a new, modern browser-based application that is no longer limited to a Windows desktop or laptop.

For those of you who have been members of the 42-online community, we now have a new site. Unfortunately, we will no longer have the old game as the platform which was home to that site was upgraded and the repairs to the game software would require extensive time and effort. The Tournament Directors (TDs) and the program creator met and made the decision that now was the right time to move forward solely with the new site based on the circumstances.

Let us introduce you to fortee2.com which is a new browser-based 42 game. It works on Windows and Apple computers as well as tablets!

If you're ready to play, head on over to fortee2.com now!

Note that fortee2 requires a Google account. If you already have one, you're ready to go, otherwise, follow these instructions to create one. Note that you can use your existing e-mail address if you want.